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19 April 2023
High Court truckies reach the end of the road – Full Federal Court refuses superannuation award
April 19, 2023

On remittal from the High Court, ZG Operations Australia Pty Ltd v Jamsek [2022] HCA 2, the Full Federal Court considered the last outstanding issue in this long-running saga.

Were the truck drivers entitled to compulsory superannuation under the extended definition of “employee” in section 12(3) of the Superannuation Guarantee Administration Act 1992 (Cth) (SGA Act)?

In Jamsek v ZG Operations Australia Pty Ltd (No 3) [2023] FCAFC 48, channelling the ‘contract is king’ approach (adopted by the High Court in CFMMEU v Personnel Contracting Pty Ltd [2022] HCA 1 and ZG Operations Australia Pty Ltd v Jamsek [2022] HCA 2), the Full Court decided they were not.

What is the section 12(3) extended employee definition?

Section 12(3) of the SGA Act provides that a person who works under a contract that is wholly or principally for their labour will be an employee of the other party to the contract. Independent contractors who fall under this definition are deemed by the SGA Act to be employees (for superannuation purposes), and as such, are entitled to compulsory superannuation.

For the truck drivers in this case, the central question was whether the provision of trucking services through a partnership structure fell within this extended employee definition.

The Full Court said three elements needed to be satisfied for s 12(3) and two were not.

First, there was no contract with a natural person in their individual capacity.

Second, the contracts were not wholly or principally for the labour of a person.

There was no contract with a person

The Full Court said that a contract under s 12(3) must be with an identified natural person who is party to the contract in their individual capacity.

However, the truck drivers (and their wives) were parties in another capacity, as partners in a partnership. This meant the contract was not covered by section 12(3).

The deeming of a partnership as a legal person under section 72(1) of the SGA Act, so that obligations, liability and penalties can be imposed on a partnership as an employer, did not change this position. Section 72(1) did not make a partnership capable of being an employee under section 12(3).

Additionally, the Court observed that the requirement of a “natural person contracting in their individual capacity” does not automatically mean that a tripartite contractual arrangement will always fall outside the extended employee definition. Rather, the key focus is on whether there is a bilateral exchange of promises between a natural person (who provides their labour) and another party to the contract (who provides payment for this labour).

It is not simply a matter of counting the number of parties to a contract and looking at who the named parties to a contract are (as this would permit parties to circumvent the superannuation guarantee regime by simply forming contracts with more than two parties). In this regard, the Full Court referred to its earlier judgment in Dental Corporation Pty Ltd v Moffet [2020] FCAFC 118 as an example of a case where an individual was found to be an employee under section 12(3) despite being party to a tripartite services agreement.

The contract was not wholly or principally for the labour of a person

The Full Court agreed that the contracts were not wholly or principally for the labour of a person.

This was to be assessed from the “employer’s” perspective, and the starting point for the enquiry was the terms of the contract.

The contractual terms key to the Court’s conclusion were:

  • While the contracts required the provision of labour, they also required the drivers to provide functional and properly maintained equipment, namely their trucks. This was described as “a substantial capital asset” for which the drivers’ partnerships were wholly responsible (this included making arrangements to insure the trucks).
  • The partnerships could delegate the drivers’ work to a substitute driver (although this was only with the consent of ZG Operations).

These contractual terms demonstrated that the truck drivers had undertaken to provide a goods delivery service and not a labour service. Labour was a component of the service but was not the “principal benefit” received by ZG Operations (although the Full Court did observe that the truck drivers had failed to adduce evidence of the market value of their labour vis-a-vis the market value of their equipment).

Tips for principals

This is an important case providing principals with guidance on the operation of section 12(3) of the SGA Act.

The case demonstrates that if principals wish to avoid compulsory superannuation, a partnership structure may assist. However, the terms of the relevant engagement contract must be closely scrutinised and must not disclose a bilateral exchange of promises for the provision of, and payment for, an individual’s labour. Of course, care must be taken with this approach as a partnership is not a legal entity distinct from its members.

Even where interposed legal entities such as corporations are utilised, principals need to be careful to ensure that the terms of any services agreement do not entail a bilateral exchange with an individual for their labour. Where possible, and particularly where a principal wishes to avoid liability for compulsory superannuation, it would be wise for a principal to refrain from entering into tripartite arrangements of this kind (which are different to a traditional labour hire arrangement) altogether. Rather, the safest approach may be for a principal to contract directly with a corporate entity, with the parties’ written agreement not making any references to services or labour provided by an individual.

Getting this right is important, particularly as the issue of superannuation underpayments has received significant attention in recent years. The introduction of the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Bill 2023 (Cth) into Federal Parliament on 29 March 2023 demonstrates this shift, as this bill seeks to make superannuation entitlements an enforceable right under the National Employment Standards. That said, as currently drafted, this new right under the bill only applies to individuals who fall within the ordinary meaning of “employee” under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and does not apply to individuals who are employees by virtue of the extended meaning of employee under the SGA Act.

Kingston Reid can assist with any issues relating to the engagement of workers within your organisation, including advising on the most appropriate labour engagement model for your business and assisting with any entitlement-related questions or issues that may arise.


Duncan Fletcher
+61 8 6381 7050
[email protected]
Yoness Blackmore
Executive Counsel – Knowledge
+61 2 9169 8419
[email protected]
Tae Kim
+61 8 6381 7068
[email protected]
18 April 2023
The Queensland Government’s overhaul of its anti-discrimination framework means big changes for employers
April 18, 2023

Why is this happening?

In 2021, the Queensland Government asked the Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC) to review the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) (AD Act) to see if the AD Act needed updating to support equality, non-discrimination and human rights.

On 1 September 2022, the QHRC made 122 recommendations for change and the Government provided an interim response indicating its support.

The Government issued its final response on 28 March 2023 and confirmed its in-principle support for all recommendations.

How extensive are the proposed reforms?

This reform is substantial and the AD Act will be repealed and replaced.

The Government plans to introduce a Bill before its term ends in October 2024 and will consult extensively with stakeholders and the community.

Which changes are the most important?

There are six key changes to keep in mind:

  1. Specific objects and beneficial interpretation requirements, where ambiguities in the new Act will be interpreted to benefit the person with a protected attribute.
  2. A revised definition of discrimination, a reverse onus of proof and a longer 2 year time limit to make a complaint.
  3. Positive duties to eliminate discrimination and sexual harassment and accommodate persons with a protected attribute.
  4. A modernised list of protected attributes.
  5. Changes to the QHRC’s discrimination complaint and dispute resolution.
  6. An enhanced proactive role for the QHRC to ensure organisational compliance.

Many employers will need to make significant workplace changes to prevent unlawful discrimination and harassment if these changes become law.

How will discrimination be defined?

Discrimination will be defined as direct or indirect (or both).

A person directly discriminates against another person if they treat, or propose to treat, that other person unfavourably because of one or more protected attributes, or because of the effect of a combination of protected attributes. For example, a person may directly discriminate if they do not employ a person because of the person’s carer responsibilities.

A person indirectly discriminates if they impose an unreasonable condition, requirement or practice in the workplace which has or is likely to have the effect of disadvantaging a person with a protected attribute or a combination of protected attributes. For example, requiring people to attend out-of-hours meetings may have the effect of disadvantaging persons with carer responsibilities, even if they are paid for their time.

Unlawful discrimination may involve one or more protected attributes and the protected attribute(s) need not be the only reason for the unfavourable treatment. Previously the protected attribute had to be the substantial reason for the treatment.

The burden of proof is now shared. This means a complainant must first show a prima facie case. After that, the employer must then prove the unlawful discrimination did not occur. This is similar to the approach in general protections claims under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).

What is the extent of the positive duty?

There will be a positive duty to make reasonable accommodation for a person with a disability (and their carers) with a non-exhaustive list of criteria for guidance.

Unsurprisingly and consistent with other jurisdictions, there will be a positive duty to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate discrimination and sexual harassment for Respect@Work.

What are the new additional protected attributes?

These are the new protected attributes:

  • Addiction as a form of disability
  • Sex workers
  • Assistance animals (not limited to dogs)
  • Immigration or migration status as part of a person’s race, except where discrimination occurs in direct compliance with a state or Commonwealth law
  • Sex characteristics (including in respect of people who identify with a certain sex)
  • Irrelevant criminal record, including expunged homosexual convictions, spent convictions and the imputation of a record relating to arrest, interrogation or criminal proceedings of any sort. This would not remove an employer’s ability to discriminate based on a criminal record that is relevant to the particular position
  • Physical features, including a person’s weight, size, height, birth marks, scars and bodily characteristics. Protected physical features would not include a person’s chosen alterations to their physical appearance, such as tattoos, piercings or hair styles
  • Domestic or family violence
  • Homelessness.

Which protected attributes are going to change?

These existing protected attributes will be modernised:

  • Impairment → Disability
  • Sexuality → Sexual orientation
  • Family responsibilities → Family, carer or kinship responsibilities
  • Gender identity”, “Sex” and “Gender” will be redefined to be more inclusive.

Are there any changes to specific areas of work?

These changes target specific areas of work:

  • religious bodies such as schools will be prohibited from discriminating against employees based on religion where the employee is not directly involved in teaching, observing or practicing a certain religion, and
  • employers working with children will no longer be able to discriminate against a person based on their lawful sexual activity or gender identity.

How will the complaint and dispute resolution processes change

The complaints process is more accessible for employees.

The QHRC may reasonably assist a complainant who needs help to put their complaint in writing. For example, transcribing an oral complaint.

The QHRC has more flexibility in handling complaints. It may make preliminary inquiries into complaints and offer suitable alternative dispute resolution services instead of conciliation. The QHRC has more discretion to decline dispute resolution services for frivolous, trivial, vexatious, baseless or out of time complaints.

This time limit for a claim extends from one to two years, with a discretion to extend.

Complaints may be made on behalf of a group of people with a protected attribute. For example, unions may make discrimination complaints against an employer on behalf of a group of employees who share the same attribute.

Organisations may make complaints of unlawful conduct as if they were an individual.

What else will the QHRC be doing?

The QHRC will have these additional functions:

  • Publishing practice guidelines about discrimination and sexual harassment
  • Conducting reviews of an organisation’s programs and practices for compliance
  • Advising on action plans; and
  • Conducting investigations on its own initiative and providing findings and recommendations (for example, publishing a public report with recommendations, issuing a compliance notice or requiring employers to enter into an enforceable undertaking with the QHRC).

What should employers do to prepare?

The new Act makes it easier for employees to make claims and on more grounds. Along with the commencement from 1 April 2023 of new Work Health and Safety (Psychosocial Risks) Amendment Regulation 2022 and the Code of Practice on Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work, employers now have more obligations than ever to ensure a workplace is free from discrimination and harassment.

The new positive duties for disability, sex discrimination and sexual harassment, the reverse onus or proof and proactive investigatory role of the QHRC mean that employers need to take proactive steps in the workplace.

For example, employers must

  • Conduct workplace risk assessments to identify risk factors for discrimination and sexual harassment.
  • Implement prevention plans for discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Deliver refresher training to employees to identify discrimination and sexual harassment and what to do about it, including active bystander intervention
  • Review recruitment processes to prevent irrelevant information about protected attributes being collected and used and ensuring decisions are merit-based.

The team at Kingston Reid are here to assist if you need support identifying and mitigating the risks within your workplace.


Shelley Williams
+61 7 3071 3110
[email protected]
Liam Fraser
+61 7 3071 3113
[email protected]
Yoness Blackmore
Executive Counsel – Knowledge
+61 2 9169 8419
[email protected]
Kat Bennett
+61 7 3071 3103
[email protected]
4 April 2023
Secured entitlements, now time for protection: the Federal Government introduces the Protecting Worker Entitlements Bill 2023
April 4, 2023

After extensive changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Fair Work Act) as part of the Secure Jobs, Better Pay amendments, the Federal Government has introduced the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Bill 2023 (Protecting Workers Entitlement Bill).

What are the key amendments?

The Protecting Workers Entitlement Bill has six key amendments:

  1. Increasing protections for migrant workers by ensuring contracts of employment or services will continue to be valid irrespective of immigration status.
  2. Changes to unpaid parental leave to align with the recent paid parental leave changes as well as an increase in flexibility in how unpaid parental leave can be taken and the amount of leave that can be taken flexibly.
  3. Creating a National Employment Standard entitlement to superannuation.
  4. Clarifying that enterprise agreements cease to apply when replaced by a workplace determination.
  5. Allowing regular employee authorised deductions for varying amounts to be authorised by a single authority rather than a new one for each deduction.
  6. Changes to coal mining long service leave so casuals are treated the same as permanent employees.

The House of Representatives has referred the Protecting Workers Entitlement Bill to the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee. The report is due 28 April 2023. We expect the Bill will pass through the Senate with little, if any, real opposition.

Increasing protections for migrant workers

The amendments address the interaction between the Fair Work Act and the Migration Act 1958 (Migration Act).

Migrant workers (including temporary migrant workers) working in Australia will be entitled to the benefit of the Fair Work Act regardless of their immigration status, including where there is a breach of the Migration Act or an instrument made under that act, such as a visa. For example, a migrant worker working in breach of their visa conditions would be entitled to benefits such as annual leave or notice of termination.

The changes will not impact whether a person has the right to work in Australia under the Migration Act, or any consequences of non-compliance with the Migration Act.

Changes to unpaid parental leave

 The use of gendered language such as “he” and “she” and “maternity leave” will be replaced with gender-neutral terms such as “the employee” and “parental leave”.

A further five key changes are in store for unpaid parental leave provisions:

  • Employees who are members of “employee couples” (that is, two employees covered by the Fair Work Act even though they may be employed by different employers) will be able to take unpaid parental leave at the same time. They will not be limited to an 8-week concurrent leave period as is the current entitlement.
  • Employees will be able to commence unpaid parental leave at any time in the 24 months following the birth or placement of their child.
  • Employees will be able to request an extension of their unpaid parental leave regardless of the amount of leave the other parent has taken. Presently, the parental couple is limited to a total of 24 months leave between them.
  • The number of flexible unpaid parental leave days will be increased from 30 to 100 to align with changes to the government’s paid parental leave scheme.
  • Pregnant employees will be able to access flexible unpaid parental leave in the 6 weeks prior to the expected date of birth.

These amendments will apply where the child’s date of birth, or day of placement, is on or after 1 July 2023.


The Protecting Workers Entitlement Bill introduces compulsory superannuation contributions to the National Employment Standards.

The proposed entitlement reflects the current obligation under superannuation legislation for employers to make minimum contributions to superannuation funds in order to avoid liability to pay a superannuation guarantee charge.

Inclusion of superannuation as a National Employment Standard entitlement will allow employees, unions, or the Fair Work Ombudsman to directly pursue employers for unpaid superannuation contributions. Consequential amendments will prevent multiple claims being commenced against an employer for the same superannuation shortfall (e.g., Australian Taxation Office under superannuation legislation).

The changes will ensure alignment between these National Employment Standard terms relating to superannuation and terms in Modern Awards.

Workplace determinations

 The Protecting Workers Entitlement Bill clarifies that when a workplace determination comes into operation any earlier enterprise agreement will cease to apply.

This is consistent with the Fair Work Commission’s approach to this issue however it is not currently stated in the Fair Work Act. The amendments expressly clarify the position and remove any doubt as to this sequence of operation.

Authorised deductions

The Bill expands the circumstances in which employees can authorise deductions from wages where they are principally for the benefit of employees.

If ongoing deductions are made, for example for health insurance premiums or under salary sacrificing arrangements, an employee will not need to provide a new written authority to their employer if the amount of the deduction varies.  A single authority will be agreed between the employee and employer for regular deductions.

This provides better protection for employees who potentially could lose the benefit that they receive from deductions. For example, where authorisations have not been proactively managed administratively by the employer by obtaining a new written agreement when the value of the deduction is varied, and a health premium is not paid for health insurance coverage.

A single authority cannot be used where the deduction indirectly or directly benefits the employer, even if the deduction principally benefits the employee.

Coal Mining Long Service Leave

 The Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave) Administration Act 1992 (Cth) and Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave) Payroll Levy 9 Collection Act 1992 (Cth) will be amended to ensure that casual employees are not treated less favourably than permanent employees in respect of their long service leave entitlements.

Further reforms

 It is likely there will be more amendments to the Fair Work Act this year.

The Government is consulting on further reforms including:

  • the characterisation of casual work
  • providing the same pay and conditions for labour hire workers as directly engaged employees
  • criminalising wage theft
  • extending the powers of the Fair Work Commission to include “employee-like” forms of work
  • giving workers the right to challenge unfair contractual terms
  • allowing the Fair Work Commission to set minimum standards to ensure the road transport industry is safe, sustainable and viable
  • providing stronger protections against discrimination, adverse action and harassment
  • establishing a single national framework for labour hire regulation
  • addressing the impact of the small business redundancy exemption in winding up scenarios to support equitable outcomes for claimants under the Fair Entitlements Guarantee
  • further reforms to enterprise bargaining provisions; and
  • limiting when demerger ballot applications can be made for registered organisation.

Consultation on these further changes closes in April, and we expect to see further amendments proposed around the middle of this year.

Kingston Reid will keep you updated as these changes unfold.


Alice DeBoos
+61 2 9169 8444
[email protected]
Emily Baxter
Special Counsel
+61 2 9169 8411
[email protected]
Lauren Jeffers
+61 8 6381 7074
[email protected]
30 March 2023
Employers must “beg” employees to not spend time with the Easter Bunny
March 30, 2023

On 28 March 2023, the Full Federal Court of Australia decided employers who require employees to work public holidays breached section 114 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth): Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union v OS MCAP Pty Ltd

The handing down of this decision just before the Easter and Anzac Day public holidays will ring alarm bells for employers who traditionally roster on public holidays.

Why can’t we just make them work?

Section 114 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) is a National Employment Standard which entitles employees to not work and be paid for the public holiday.

There is flexibility. However, it requires negotiation and discussion. Employers must first reasonably request the employee to work. The employee may then reasonably refuse the request.

If the employer makes an unreasonable request (ie, a requirement) and the employee works the public holiday, the employer will breach section 114.

Where did they go wrong?

In this case, the employer required its employees to work on Christmas Day and Boxing Day by:

  • automatically rostering employees to work public holidays;
  • having employment contracts which stated employees “may be required to work on public holidays”;
  • providing employees with rosters on a laminated card when they started employment identifying all shifts (including public holidays) they would be required to work; and
  • requiring new starters to attend an induction session before starting work during which they were told “employees are rostered to work 24/7 365 days a year. This includes all public Holidays including Christmas and New Years [sic]…”

The employees complied with the requirement to work on public holidays.

What is the difference between a requirement and a request?

The Court analysed the fundamental differences between a “requirement” and a “request.”

It looked at the ordinary meaning of those word and observed “[t]o “request” means “to ask or beg”, “especially politely or formally”. To “require” is to demand or make obligatory”. A “request” is to have a choice as opposed to having an obligation to work.

In this case, the employer required employees to work on Christmas and Boxing Day. This was not a reasonable request under s 114(2).

Importantly, the Court said employees were entitled to ignore the requirement. The employees could have simply not worked and the employer would have had to pay them.

The breach occurred for the employer when the employees complied with the unlawful requirement.

We await the outcome on penalty. The maximum penalty is 60 or 600 penalty units depending on the seriousness of the contravention. This may be significant.

When is a request to work a public holiday reasonable?

Sub-section 114(4) identifies these criteria as being relevant to the reasonableness of either the request or refusal:

  • the nature of the employer‘s workplace or enterprise (including its operational requirements), and the nature of the work performed by the employee;
  • the employee‘s personal circumstances, including family responsibilities;
  • whether the employee could reasonably expect that the employer might request work on the public holiday;
  • whether the employee is entitled to receive overtime payments, penalty rates or other compensation for, or a level of remuneration that reflects an expectation of, work on the public holiday;
  • the type of employment of the employee (for example, whether full‑time, part‑time, casual or shift-work);
  • the amount of notice in advance of the public holiday given by the employer when making the request;
  • in relation to the refusal of a request–the amount of notice in advance of the public holiday given by the employee when refusing the request;

Other circumstances may also be relevant.

For example, it may be reasonable to request employees in critical services such as police, ambulances, fire services and hospitals to request employees to work public holidays. A refusal may be difficult to justify if employees were given enough notice and have no reasonable excuse.

What do employers need to do?

This Decision has significant implications for employers, especially those which are not providing critical services.

For example, when rostering for public holidays:

  • issue the roster in draft; and
  • give the employees the opportunity of refusing or accepting the request to work a public holiday before it is finalised – this could be supplemented by a separate communication.

Also – make sure that employees are given enough notice.

If employees refuse then speak with them to understand why.

If the refusal is reasonable employees can choose not to work the public holiday irrespective of what the roster says.

Employment contracts may still foreshadow working on public holidays but cannot make that a requirement. Employers should check the wording of their contracts.


Christa Lenard
+61 2 9169 8404
[email protected]
Jane Murray
Senior Associate
+61 2 9169 8414
[email protected]
Yoness Blackmore
Executive Counsel knowledge
+61 2 9169 8419
[email protected]
22 March 2023
No Grinch for employees refusing to take unpaid leave during Christmas shutdowns
March 22, 2023

Employers often direct employees with insufficient accrued annual leave to instead take unpaid leave during temporary shutdown periods, such as over the Christmas holiday period.

However, from 1 May 2023 this option will not be available for many award-covered employers.

Where did this come from?

On 22 December 2022, as part of its plain language four yearly review, the Fair Work Commission (Commission) determined to include a new annual shut down model provision in 77 modern awards. These awards include:

  • Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020;
  • Building and Construction General On-site Award 2020;
  • Clerks—Private Sector Award 2020;
  • Higher Education Industry—General Staff—Award 2020; and
  • Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award 2020.

The list of affected modern awards can be found at Attachment A of the Commission’s 25 August 2022 decision here.

Importantly, the Full Bench considered varying the black coal award, however, decided to not make any changes, which means that employees covered by the Black Coal Mining Industry Award 2020 retain the right to take annual leave without pay even if they have accrued annual leave.

Employees can say no to unpaid leave!

The new provisions entitle employees with insufficient accrued annual leave to refuse to take unpaid leave over Christmas shutdown periods.

Instead, those employees may be entitled to continue to work during shutdown or, if there are no suitable duties, be paid additional annual leave while not working.

Employers must comply with notice periods

Employers must satisfy new notice requirements.

Written notice of a temporary shutdown period must be given to employees 28 days before it starts. Some awards may have a longer notice period. Employers and the majority of employees can agree to a lesser notice period.

If an employee starts work after the notice is provided, then the relevant employee must be given notice of the temporary shutdown period as soon as reasonably practicable after starting.  For example, notice could be given in a contract of employment.

What does your organisation need to do

Employers may consider these steps:

  • plan tentative dates for proposed shutdowns for the 2023/24 Christmas period so you know exactly how much annual leave must be accrued (don’t forget to factor in gazetted public holidays and pro-rata requirements for part-time employees);
  • add a rule to HR/ leave systems so annual leave requests cannot be approved if an employee will not have enough annual leave for the temporary shutdown period or has not agreed to otherwise take unpaid leave, rostered days off, time off in lieu or annual leave in advance of accrual;
  • update leave policies and contractual documents to reflect these changes.

It is likely an employer may lawfully refuse an annual leave request of an employee if the primary purpose of that refusal is to ensure the employee has enough accrued annual leave to facilitate the direction to take annual leave during a temporary shutdown period.

In limited circumstances, an employer may be able to rely on the stand down provisions in s 524 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). For example, if a head contractor closes down a site for a period that may give rise to a stoppage of work for which a subcontractor employer cannot reasonably be held responsible and thus enable a stand down under s 524.

As always, Kingston Reid is well placed to ensure that your organisation is ready for this change. Please reach out and we would be delighted to assist you.


Alice DeBoos
+61 2 9169 8444
[email protected]
Rosalie Connor
+61 2 9169 8423
[email protected]
25 January 2023
Punch cards, penalties and professional employees – The Commission makes changes to Professional Employees Award
January 25, 2023

On the 23 January 2023, a Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (Commission) issued a Draft Determination to vary the Professional Employees Award 2020 (Award) which will affect employees who work in the engineering, IT, medical research, auditing and science sectors.

What are the key changes?

The Draft Determination sets out details of how the Commission plans to address two issues.

  1. The hours of employment and overtime for employees covered by the Award; and
  2. Clarifying the coverage of the Award.

Hours of employment and overtime

Currently the Award only includes general statements regarding hours of employment and overtime. It requires employers to compensate employees for work outside of their “ordinary hours”, however it is currently silent about how this compensation will be calculated.

The Commission is proposing to vary the Award to include:

  • a specific provision that all hours worked in excess of 38 hours per week for a full-time employee must be paid at the applicable minimal hourly rate (including call backs and work performed on electronic devices or otherwise remotely)
  • a 25% loading on hours worked, Monday to Saturday that are before 6:00am or after 10:00pm
  • a 50% loading on hours worked on Sunday or a public holiday
  • the requirement for employers to keep records of all hours worked by an employee:
    • in excess of 38 hours per week
    • before 6:00am or after 10pm from Monday – Saturday; and
    • on a Sunday or Public Holiday.
  • specific provisions that need to be followed by an employer and employee if an employee wishes to utilise time off in lieu (TOIL), rather than being paid for a particular period of over time.

Importantly, the Draft Determination also includes a provision to exclude the requirement for overtime, TOIL, penalty rates and record keeping where an employee is entitled to an annual salary which exceeds their applicable minimum annual wage (under the Award) by at least 25%. This is an interesting development given the push for “exemption rates” by employers in other modern awards.

Clarifying coverage

There has been much litigation concerning the extent to which the Award covers employees. This has had a particular focus on determining if an employee is eligible to lodge an unfair dismissal claim. The Commission is proposing to amend the Award to clarify the coverage of the Award. In the Draft Determination the Commission proposes to add the following provision:

An employee performing professional engineering duties, professional scientific duties, professional information technology duties or quality auditing must be classified in one of the following classifications provided that the employee is not employed in a wholly or principally managerial position.

This makes it clear that an employee who is wholly or principally employed in a managerial position is not covered by the Award. This proposed amendment is a point of clarification which restates the law as it has been applied by the Commission and is unlikely to have a significant impact on employers. Whether a position is wholly or principally managerial will ultimately turn on the quality of evidence presented by employers.

What does this mean?

The proposed variations to the Award haven’t been enacted yet. The Commission has invited parties to make submissions on the Draft Determination by 4:00pm Friday 10 February 2023. As such, the exact date these changes come into effect will be known after this date.

Before the introduction of the changes to the Award, employers should:

  • take the opportunity to re-evaluate whether employees who work in an engineering, scientist, IT or medical research capacity are correctly classified under the Award;
  • review working arrangements to determine what impact the changes could have on payment and record keeping obligations;
  • consider whether the annual salaries of relevant employees could exempt the new provisions; and
  • put in place a strategy to make the necessary operational and contractual adjustments before the new provisions have an impact.

As always, the team at Kingston Reid will continue to keep you informed on the progression of these changes. We are well placed to support organisations in reviewing current practices and developing strategies for managing the change.


Michael Mead
+61 2 9169 8428
[email protected]
Rosalie Connor
+61 2 9169 8423
[email protected]
28 October 2022
Secure jobs, better pay – Australia’s workplace relations overhaul
October 28, 2022

The Federal Government introduced the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022 (Bill) on 27 October 2022.

When introducing the Bill, the Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Tony Burke promised the Bill will deliver “…more secure jobs, better pay and a fairer workplace relations system for Australian workers.”

The Minister’s public announcements before introducing the Bill did not fully convey that the Bill could result in the most substantive changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Act) in a decade.

The Bill has been referred to a Committee, with the report due on 17 November 2022.

Parts 1, 2 and 3 – ROC and ABCC abolished

The Government crossed off two election promises with the Bill abolishing the Registered Organisations Commission and the Australian Building and Construction Commission, returning regulatory oversight to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) and Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) respectively.

Part 4 – Objects

The Bill introduces two new objects to the Act – promotion of job security and gender equity. The new objects will guide the FWC in performing its functions, and will be matters the FWC takes into account as a part of the modern awards objective in section 134 and the minimum wages objective in section 284.

Part 5 – Equal remuneration

The Bill will change the way that the FWC looks at equal remuneration and work value cases. The FWC’s consideration of work value reasons must be free of assumptions based on gender and include consideration of whether there has been historical gender-based undervaluation of the work under consideration.

The Bill removes the need to find a male comparator and clarifies that sex discrimination is not a necessary prerequisite for the FWC to make an equal remuneration order.

Part 6 – Expert panels

The Bill creates a Pay Equity Expert Panel and a Care and Community Sector Expert Panel within the FWC. The purpose of these new expert panels will be to tackle low pay and conditions in the female dominated care sector to help attract and retain workers. By having these expert panels, it will make it easier for the FWC to order pay increases for workers in low-paid, female dominated industries by putting in place the statutory Equal Remuneration Principle.

Part 7 – Pay Secrecy

It will be a workplace right that employees (and job applicants) are able to disclose (or not disclose) their own remuneration or ask another person about their remuneration. Adverse action may not be taken against an employee (or job applicant) for exercising this workplace right.

The Bill also proposes prohibiting contractual provisions or terms in industrial instruments which prevent employees from discussing their remuneration or terms of their employment that are reasonably necessary to determine remuneration outcomes. This includes quantum and the number of hours the employee works. Existing pay secrecy terms will have no effect. Up to 600 penalty units may be imposed for a serious contravention, or 60 penalty units.

Part 8 – Prohibiting sexual harassment in connection with work

This part introduces the measures and means to combat sexual harassment in the workplace. The major changes to the Act are based on recommendations made by the Respect@Work report.

Recommendation 28: The Fair Work system be reviewed to ensure and clarify that sexual harassment, using the definition in the Sex Discrimination Act, is expressly prohibited.

The Bill implements this recommendation by prohibiting sexual harassment in connection with work in the Act, using the definitions in model work health and safety laws. The prohibition applies broadly to protect workers, prospective workers and persons conducting businesses or undertakings.

Principals would, in some circumstances, be vicariously liable for acts of their employees or agents – unless they could prove that they took all reasonable steps to prevent the employee or agent from doing the unlawful acts. At the same time, principals may also be subject to enforcement action for contravening the proposed new positive duty to prevent sexual harassment under the Respect at Work Bill which is currently before Parliament.

The prohibition is supported by a new dispute resolution framework, modelled on the compliance framework in the Act that applies to general protections dismissal disputes. In most cases, the FWC would first deal with a dispute by conciliation or mediation. If the dispute remained unsettled, the parties could proceed to consent arbitration or make an application to the Federal Court.

Recommendation 29: Introduce a ‘stop sexual harassment order’ equivalent to the ‘stop bullying order’ into the Fair Work Act. This should be designed to facilitate the order’s restorative aim.

The Bill introduces this recommendation by allowing the FWC to make stop sexual harassment orders to protect applicants from future sexual harassment. The FWC may also deal with disputes about sexual harassment which relate to past harm caused by sexual harassment.

To avoid duplication and streamline application processes, Part 8 would merge the existing stop sexual harassment order jurisdiction into new Part 3-5A—Prohibiting sexual harassment in connection with work.

The Bill ensures people have access to an appropriate remedy (other than an order requiring payment of a pecuniary amount) but also ensures that they are not entitled to more than one remedy in such cases.

These changes provide flexibility. Applications may be made jointly by one or more aggrieved persons against one or more perpetrators or principals and enable a union to represent an aggrieved person or persons. It inserts anti-double dipping provisions to prevent a person from obtaining multiple remedies in relation to the same conduct. It protects all Australian workers, prospective workers and persons conducting businesses or undertakings. It prevents the concurrent operation of State and Territory anti-discrimination laws and, except in some limited circumstances, occupational health and safety laws (to the extent they deal with sexual harassment).

Part 9 – Anti-discrimination and special measures

The Bill adds three further protected attributes—breastfeeding, gender identity and intersex status—into the anti-discrimination provisions in the Act which aligns the Act with other Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation.

It amends the Act to confirm that ‘special measures to achieve equality’ are matters pertaining to the employment relationship and therefore matters about which an enterprise agreement may be made. This would also clarify that ‘special measures to achieve equality’ are not discriminatory terms and therefore not unlawful terms in an enterprise agreement.

Part 10 – Fixed-term Contracts

The Bill inserts prohibitions on the use of fixed term contracts where the term extends beyond 2 years or where the contract may be renewed more than once. These restrictions apply to both extensions or renewals of an existing contract as well as consecutive or new contracts, where the work is the same or substantially the same and there is substantial continuity of service.

There are some exemptions to this prohibition including, for example, where:

  • the employee is engaged under the contract to perform only a distinct and identifiable task involving specialised skills
  • the employee is engaged under the contract in relation to a training arrangement (which will include apprenticeships and traineeships)
  • the employee is engaged under the contract to undertake essential work during a peak demand period
  • the employee is engaged under the contract to undertake work during emergency circumstances or during a temporary absence of another employee
  • in the year the contract is entered into the amount of the employee’s earnings under the contract is above the high-income threshold for that year
  • the contract relates to a position for the performance of work that is funded by government funding or other particular types of funding, the funding is payable for a period of more than 2 years, and there are no reasonable prospects that the funding will be renewed after the end of that period
  • the contract relates to a governance position that has a time limit under the governing rules of a corporation or association of persons
  • a modern award that covers the employee includes terms that permit a longer period

A term of a contract that does not comply with these provisions will have no effect but the remainder of the contract will remain valid. This creates an ongoing employment relationship.

Other proposed amendments include prohibitions on terminating or delaying reengaging an employee or changing the nature of the work or tasks or otherwise alter the employment relationship to avoid these obligations.

The FWO will be required to prepare a new information statement that employers must give to fixed-term employees.

The FWC will be given new powers to deal with disputes about these provisions, including by way of arbitration if the parties to the dispute agree.

Penalties for non-compliance may be 600 penalty units for a serious contravention, or 60 penalty units.

Part 11 – Flexible Working Arrangements

While there was some discussion about expanding the categories of employees who could make requests for flexible working arrangements, this has not eventuated (save for a minor change to employees experiencing family and domestic violence – expanded from an employee experiencing violence from ‘a member’ of their family).

The proposed amendments focus on an employer’s response to a request for flexible working arrangements.

In addition to an employer being required to respond within 21 days, being able to refuse a request on reasonable business grounds, and notifying the employee of the reasons for the refusal, the amendments propose that before refusing a request on reasonable business grounds, the employer must:

  • have discussed the request with the employee and genuinely tried to reach agreement with the employee about other changes that may be made to accommodate the employee’s circumstances, and
  • have had regard to the consequences of the refusal for the employee.

When providing written notice of a refusal of a request, the employer must also include details of the reasons for the refusal, including the particular business grounds and how they apply to the request. The refusal must set out other changes that would accommodate the employee’s circumstances the employer would be willing to make or that there will be no changes.

The FWC will have new powers to deal with disputes about these provisions, including by arbitration. The types of orders the Fair Work Commission may make include an order that:

  • the Fair Work Commission agrees with the refusal, or
  • the employer grants the employee’s request or make specified changes to the employee’s working arrangements to accommodate the employee’s circumstances.

Part 12 – Termination of enterprise agreements after nominal expiry date

The Bill changes how applications to terminate agreements after they have passed their nominal expiry date are made, and the grounds they can be made on. Principally, the FWC’s focus shifts from considering the public interest to the interests of employees’ covered by the agreement.

The proposed amendment provides that the FWC must terminate an enterprise agreement, on application, where either:

  • the continued operation of the agreement would be unfair to covered employees;
  • the agreement does not and is not likely to cover any employees; or
  • all of the following circumstances apply:
    • the continued operation of the agreement would pose a significant threat to the viability of a business of the covered employer(s);
    • the termination of the agreement would likely reduce the potential for terminations of employment by way of redundancy, or due to insolvency or bankruptcy; and
    • where the agreement contains termination entitlements, the employer has given a guarantee to the FWC in respect of its compliance with those obligations.

Where an application is made, the FWC must consider the views of the employees, employers, and unions covered by the agreement. If one of those parties opposes the application, the matter is to be dealt with by a Full Bench of the FWC.

The FWC must have regard to whether bargaining has or will commence for a proposed agreement which will cover the same or substantially the same group of employees. The FWC must also consider if the termination would adversely affect the bargaining position of employees to be covered by the proposed agreement.

An employer’s guarantee about termination entitlements will be an undertaking to comply with any post-termination obligations/entitlements which would have applied but for the termination of the agreement. The guarantee remains in effect for a period of 4 years, unless otherwise specified by the employer and approved by the FWC. Compliance with the guarantee will be a civil remedy provision.

Part 13 – Sunsetting of “zombie” agreements etc.

The Bill makes several amendments to the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 (Cth). The net effect of the provisions will be that unless actions are taken to the contrary, all pre-FW Act agreements, in whatever form they exist, will end 12 months from the date the Bill is enacted. These agreements are often referred to as ‘zombie’ agreements.

Employers must give written notice to employees within six months of the Bill being enacted that they are covered by a ‘zombie’ agreement and it will terminate 12 months from the date of the Bill’s enactment, unless an application is made to the contrary. An employer’s obligation to notify employees will be a civil remedy provision.

Employers, employees, and unions may apply to the FWC to extend the sunset date of an agreement by up to 4 years. The FWC must approve the application where certain circumstances are satisfied. For example, where a new enterprise agreement is being bargained for, where employees would be better off overall than if the relevant modern award applied, or if it is reasonable in the circumstances to do so. There is no limit on the number of extensions the FWC can grant, but one of these circumstances must be satisfied on each occasion.

Part 14 – Enterprise agreement approval

The Bill proposes several changes which relate to the FWC’s approval of enterprise agreements. The Government says the amendments will simplify the requirements employers must satisfy before the FWC can approve an enterprise agreement.

The general trend is for the requirements to shift from a prescriptive set of steps employers need to go through, to a singular broad analysis undertaken by the FWC of whether employees have genuinely agreed to the agreement.

To guide this broad analysis, the FWC will be required to publish a ‘Statement of Principles’. The statement will deal with various matters related to genuine agreement including:

  1. informing employees about bargaining;
  2. informing employees of their right to be represented by a bargaining representative;
  3. providing employees with a reasonable opportunity to consider a proposed agreement;
  4. explaining terms of an agreement and their effects;
  5. providing employees with a reasonable opportunity to vote on an agreement in a free and informed manner; and
  6. any other matters the FWC considers relevant.

Importantly, these are guiding principles only. It is not necessary that each are met for the FWC to be satisfied an agreement has been genuinely agreed to.

The Bill preserves the FWC’s ability to disregard minor procedural, and technical errors when determining if an agreement has been genuinely agreed to. This applies to notices of employee representational rights, requesting employees to vote to approve an agreement, and timelines for asking employees to vote to approve an agreement after notices of employee representational rights have been issued.

The Bill will upends the strategy of ‘brownfields agreements’ (i.e. small workforces voting on agreements with wider coverage). Agreements which are not the result of collective bargaining in good faith, including ‘unrepresentative’ and ‘low voter cohort’ will not be ‘genuinely agreed’. Examples given in the Explanatory Memorandum to the Bill are:

  • employees would not have a sufficient interest in the terms of an agreement if no genuine collective bargaining in good faith occurred as part of the agreement-making process
  • employees engaged in one industry, occupation or classification should not be capable of being found to have genuinely agreed to an enterprise agreement intended to cover employees across a substantially wider range of industries, occupations or classifications
  • a small cohort of employees would also not be sufficiently representative where the agreement is intended to ultimately cover a much wider workforce following transfers of employment, possibly within a corporate group.

Part 15 – Initiating bargaining

The Bill creates a way for employee bargaining representatives (e.g. unions) to start the process of bargaining with an employer without the employer’s consent in particular circumstances. This can be done where:

  1. the proposed single-enterprise agreement will replace an earlier single-enterprise agreement;
  2. no more than 5 years has passed since the earlier agreement passed its nominal expiry date; and
  3. the proposed agreement will cover the same, or substantially the same, group of employees as the earlier agreement.

The amendment flows to provisions dealing with bargaining orders, and essentially allows for unions to apply for a bargaining order where they have made a written request to bargain.

Part 16 – The Better Off Overall Test

The Bill delivers a key outcome from the Government’s Jobs + Skills Summit by simplifying the Better Off Overall Test (BOOT). The changes aim to remove unnecessary complexity.

The Bill introduces a provision intended to inform the FWC’s application of the BOOT. There is an express statement that the BOOT should be applied as a global assessment – as opposed to the current excruciating line-by-line approach which has been applied in recent times. The Bill requires the FWC to only have regard to patterns or kinds of work, or types of employment, if they are reasonably foreseeable at the time of the BOOT.

If the FWC forms the view a term of an enterprise agreement does not otherwise meet the BOOT, it is empowered to amend the term, which could include removing it, to satisfy itself that the BOOT is passed. Importantly, it is the FWC, not the employers, employees and unions, that decides on amendments – although the FWC may consider the views of the employers, employees and unions.

The Bill also includes provisions allowing employers, employees, and unions to apply to the FWC for a reconsideration of whether the agreement passes the BOOT. Applications may be made where there has been a change to patterns or kinds of work, or types of employment when compared to the patterns or kinds of work, or types of employment that the FWC considered when first conducting the BOOT to approve the agreement. If the FWC was concerned that the enterprise agreement did not pass the BOOT, the FWC could either accept an undertaking or amend the agreement.

Part 17 – Errors in enterprise agreements

The FWC may vary an enterprise agreement to correct or amend an obvious error, defect or irregularity (such as a typographical error or obvious omission) on its own initiative or on application by any of the parties covered by the agreement. Where the FWC has approved the wrong version of an agreement, such as an earlier draft, that was erroneously submitted to the FWC by a party for approval, the FWC would have discretion to validate its decision as if the correct version of the enterprise agreement had been submitted for approval. The validation of the correct version of the agreement could occur on the FWC’s own initiative or on application.

Part 18 – Bargaining disputes

The Bill replaces the existing scheme dealing with “serious breach declarations and determinations” with a new scheme dealing with intractable bargaining declarations and determinations.

A bargaining representative to a proposed agreement may apply for a declaration. A declaration is not available to multi-enterprise agreements, unless a supported bargaining authorisation is in operation, or greenfield agreements.

The FWC must be satisfied that:

  • The FWC has dealt with a bargaining dispute, and the applicant for the declaration participated in the process, and
  • There is no reasonable prospect of the party’s reaching agreement, and
  • It is reasonable in all the circumstances (taking into consideration the views of all bargaining representatives).

The FWC may then order a ‘post-declaration negotiation period’ for a defined time. After making a declaration, and after any ‘post-declaration negotiation period’, the Full Bench of the FWC may make an ‘intractable bargaining workplace determination’.

The FWC will determine the resolution of any issues that remain in dispute. That determination will in-effect become the agreement and be binding on the employer and employees.

These changes are said to assist ‘bargaining parties to reach agreement.’ In-fact, the provisions provide for the imposing of agreement on the bargaining parties.

This is a substantial expansion of the Commissions arbitral power to set pay and conditions under agreements.

Part 19 – Industrial action

If the FWC makes a protected action ballot order (PABO), it must also make an order directing all bargaining representatives to attend a mandatory conciliation conference prior to the close of the ballot. If any party fails to attend, subsequent employee claim action or employer response action will not be protected. The voting period specified in the PABO must be at least 14 days to enable time for the conference to occur.

Following the date of declaration of the protected action ballot results, employees will have a 3 months’ period to commence industrial action. This is longer than the current 30 days, and employer response action would need to occur within a 3 months’ period.

If employee claim action relates to a single-interest employer agreement or a supported bargaining agreement, employees must provide 120 hours’ notice of taking industrial action.

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) will no longer be the default protected action ballot agent and an alternative agent may be appointed with FWC approval. Where appointed as the protected action ballot agent, the AEC will be able to seek orders for contraventions of civil penalty provisions in relation to the ballot.

Parts 20, 21, 22 and 23 – Multi-employer bargaining

A key feature of the Bill is to create new, very clear paths by which unions are able to force:

  1. multiple employers to negotiate for a multi-employer agreement,
  2. a multi-employer agreement to be imposed on those employers (even absent a vote of employees), and
  3. other employers to be covered by the agreement after it has been made.

This is a very significant change to the structure of bargaining under the Act. It is a clear shift away from bargaining at the enterprise level towards industry level. It also expands, quite remarkably, the circumstances in which agreements will be imposed on employers and employees by the FWC. Under the current Act, the model is mostly based on an employer offering an agreement to be voted on. The Bill would expand the circumstances in which that offer (or voluntariness on the part of the employer) is needed.

Applying for a supported bargaining authorisation

Under the Bill, unions (and other bargaining representatives) may apply to the FWC for a ‘supported bargaining authorisation’. Supported bargaining authorisations are a key feature of the Bill as they:

  1. Initiate negotiating for multi-employer enterprise agreements (termed ‘supported bargaining agreements’); and
  2. Are the first of a series of steps that can ultimately lead to the FWC imposing a multi-employer workplace determination (termed ‘an intractable bargaining workplace determination’).

Once an application has been made, the FWC must grant the application if it is satisfied that it is appropriate for the employers and employees specified in the application to bargain together, having regard to:

  1. The prevailing pay and conditions in the industry or sector;
  2. Whether the employers have clearly identifiable common interests; and
  3. Whether the likely number of bargaining representatives would be consistent with a manageable collective bargaining process.

The FWC must also be satisfied at least some of the employees are represented by the union that has applied to the FWC for the authorisation.

Some points to note here are that:

  1. The consent of employers and employees is not required (i.e. they can be forced to the table);
  2. There is no requirement there be a minimum number of employees seeking to bargain; and
  3. The FWC may order a particular union cannot bring such an application. That said, we have some difficulties with the drafting as the relevant orders (proposed s.178C) seem only to be able to be made during bargaining or after an agreement has been made (which presumably would post-date such an application).

Bargaining for multi-employer agreements

Under the current Act, it is rare for the FWC to make workplace determinations (i.e. for the FWC to impose the terms of an agreement onto those that will be covered by it). The Bill expands the circumstances in which such a determination may be made to include circumstances in which bargaining has become ‘intractable’.

Bargaining representatives may apply for an ‘intractable bargaining declaration’. If the relevant agreement is a proposed multi-employer enterprise agreement, an application may only be made if a supported bargaining authorisation is in operation. The effect of an intractable bargaining declaration is that there is a period in which to try to reach agreement and, absent agreement, a workplace determination must be made by the FWC.

The FWC may make an ‘intractable bargaining declaration’ if:

  1. A s.240 application has been made and the applicant participated in a conference before the Commission;
  2. There is no reasonable prospect of the agreement being reached if the FWC does not make the declaration; and
  3. It is reasonable to make the declaration taking into account the views of the bargaining representatives of the agreement

The effect of a declaration is that ‘intractable bargaining workplace determinations’ may be made under division 4 of Part 2-5 of the Act. In other words, the FWC will make a workplace determination (including for multi-employer agreements).

The declaration/determination must include:

  1. Any terms that were agreed to between the parties;
  2. The terms that the FWC considers deal with the matters that were still at issue;
  3. A nominal expiry date;
  4. A dispute settlement procedure; and
  5. The model consultation and flexibility terms.

Forcing employers onto supported bargaining agreements

The Bill allows unions to make an application to force other employers onto a supported bargaining agreement that has been made (with or without the consent of that employer). Under the Bill, the FWC must grant that application if it satisfied that:

  1. a majority of the employees want to be covered by the agreement; and
  2. it is appropriate for them to be covered.

In determining whether it is appropriate, the FWC must take into account the views of the unions and the employer.

Cooperative workplace agreements

The existing multi-employer bargaining stream will be reframed as cooperative workplace agreements, which remain voluntary for employers to participate in where they are not subject to a supported bargaining authorisation immediately before making the agreement. Parties may not take industrial action  in respect of bargaining for a cooperative workplace agreement and FWC intervention is available with the parties’ consent.

All three new multi-employer bargaining streams require at least some of the employees to be represented by a union. Supported bargaining and single-interest employer authorisations may not be granted and collective workplace agreements may not be approved by the FWC unless this requirement is met. However, the FWC is empowered to make orders excluding persons, such as unions, from participating in bargaining if they have a history of non-compliance with the Act. For example, if they have contravened a civil penalty provision or committed an offence against the Act in the last 18 months.

Part 24 – Enhancing the small claims processes

The Bill proposes a small number of significant amendments to the small claims process under the Act. The key amendment is an increase in the small claims cap from $20,000 to $100,000.  The Bill also clarifies that the cap is exclusive of interest.

Under the Bill, successful claimants may recover court filing fees as costs against the other side. This provision is intended to act as an carve out to section 570 of the FW Act which currently limits cost orders to circumstances where the proceedings are vexatious or the like.

The increase aims at ‘expanding access to the small claims procedure, enabling more claimants to benefit from its simpler, quicker and cheaper approach to dispute resolution’.

The amendment also comes off the back of recent inquiries which suggested claimants with modest claims exceeding $20,000 have abandoned part of their claim to bring it within the small claims cap or alternatively, have bypassed the small claims procedure all together and proceeded to a full court process.

Part 25 – Prohibiting employment advertisements with pay rate that would contravene the Act

The Bill also regulates pay information included in job advertisements.

Specifically, the Bill prohibits an employer from advertising a job at a rate of pay lower than that permitted by the Act, an Award or an Enterprise Agreement. This provision requires an employer to include for example any casual loadings payable if the advertised role was on a casual basis.

The Bill also requires any employer who is advertising a piecework role to specify the rate of pay for the piecework or include a statement that a periodic rate of pay applies in relation to the employment.

Employers will need to actively monitor the compliance with the Act and any industrial instrument for the duration of the advertising. Advertisements will need updating to reflect any changes to rates of pay which occur during the advertising period.

Significantly, this is a civil penalty provision. This means individuals may be liable for a penalty of up to 60 penalty units (and bodies corporate five times that) if they fail to advertise the correct rate of pay and do not have a reasonable excuse.

The clause has been introduced following concerns raised by the Migrants Workers’ Taskforce and the Senate Unlawful Underpayments Inquiry that migrant workers are targeting with jobs advertised at below minimum wage rates, increasing the risk of such workers being underpaid once they start working.

Key Takeaways

This Bill brings significant change.

We await feedback from the inquiry on 17 November. The next sitting of Federal Parliament in the week of 21-24 November will likely be an exciting one.

In the meantime, the Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave Bill has been passed

And of course, let’s not forget the positive duty to prevent sexual harassment Respect@Work Bill with the inquiry reporting back on 3 November.

Watch this space.

Alice DeBoos
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4 October 2022
Employers obliged to Work@Respect as the Government introduces its Respect@Work Bill
October 4, 2022

Last week, the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022 (Bill) was introduced to Parliament by the Government.

The Bill sets out the long awaited detail on the promises made going into the May election, legislating the 7 remaining recommendations from the Respect@Work report not enacted by the former Morrison Government.

What are the key changes?

  • Specific prohibition of hostile workplace environments.
  • A positive duty to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate unlawful sex discrimination, including sex discrimination, sexual and sex-based harassment, hostile work environments and victimisation.
  • Conduct is no longer required to be seriously demeaning to be unlawful harassment on the ground of sex – this reduces the threshold and makes it easier for applicants to make out claims of harassment on the ground of sex.
  • The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) gain powers to enforce the positive duty, including with guidelines, education, inquiries, compliance notices, court orders and enforceable undertakings.
  • The AHRC will be able to conduct inquiries into systemic unlawful discrimination.
  • Unions can more easily commence Federal Court representative actions for at least one person – possibly paving the way for class actions.
  • A neutral costs approach under which each party will bear their own costs in sexual harassment proceedings.
  • “Sex” or related characteristics only need to be “a reason” for the conduct. They do not have to be the ‘only reason’ or the ‘real reason’ and the fact there may be other reasons such as age or race does not prevent the conduct being unlawful.

What is the positive duty?

The positive duty requires an organisation to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate, as far as possible sexual harassment, harassment on the ground of sex, hostile workplace environments or acts of victimisation against persons relating to their complaints, proceedings, assertions or allegations of any of that conduct.

Reasonable and proportional measures will vary, depending on the circumstances of a particular workplace. It depends on the size, nature and circumstances of the business, the available resources (ie, financial or otherwise), the practicality and costs of those measures and other relevant matters.

For example, larger and better resourced organisations will need to implement more extensive measures.

The Explanatory Memorandum says the new positive duty in the Bill aligns with the exemption to vicarious liability under the Sex Discrimination Act 1974 (ie, as is the case in Victoria). This exemption provides that an employer is not liable for the actions of the employees or agents if the employer has taken “all reasonable steps” to prevent their employees from engaging in the conduct.

On this basis, employers should already take preventative action, but we suspect many may not have done this.

At a general level, the positive duty requires organisations to:

  • Identify and understand potential areas of non-compliance (ie, risk assess).
  • Develop a strategy for meeting and maintaining compliance (ie, have a prevention plan).
  • Review and improve compliance as reasonably necessary in the organisation’s particular circumstances.

Specific actions may include:

  • Reviewing and amending discrimination and harassment policies and procedures consistent with the positive duty and other amendments.
  • Communication and consultation with all workplace participants, including with periodic reinforcement. For example, by emails, intranet releases, toolbox talks etc.
  • Overt buy-in from senior management who must “walk the talk” and must model best practice bystander
  • Fair, timely and effective internal complaints procedures which treat all complaints seriously and investigate them promptly. This should be victim centric.
  • High quality training, which educates all workplace participants about their discrimination and harassment policies and procedures, including with case studies and interactive activities to embed understanding. Training must give real life examples of behaviours and how victims or bystanders can best respond.

The AHRC will be able to undertake investigations where it suspects systemic unlawful discrimination. This is unlawful discrimination that affects a class or group of persons and is continuous, repetitive or forms a pattern and the AHRC considers it is appropriate to investigate. This inquiry could be within an individual business or across multiple businesses within a broader industry or sector. Outcomes may simply be a report to the Minister or may be a public report and may include recommendations.

The AHRC may also conduct inquiries if it “reasonably suspects” non-compliance. For example, this may be triggered by information or advice from other agencies or regulators, information from impacted people or media reporting. The AHRC may issue a compliance notice, enforceable by an order from the federal courts. Organisations may enter into enforceable undertakings with the AHRC.

These inquisitory functions will not commence until 12 months after Royal Assent, during which time the AHRC will prepare and publish guidance materials and organisations must take steps to understand their obligations and implement all necessary change.

What is a hostile work environment?

A ‘hostile workplace environment’ is where one person’s conduct results in the workplace environment being offensive, intimidating or humiliating to a second person of a particular sex.

A court looks at the behaviour itself, not what the person intended or how the second person received it. The fact that a person created a hostile environment unwittingly is not a defence.

Circumstances which contribute to this assessment include:

  • The seriousness of the conduct (ie, more relevant for a single incident).
  • Was it continuous or repetitive (ie, more relevant if it is less serious)?
  • Did the person engaging in the conduct (or inaction) have a senior role, influence, or were they in a position of authority (ie, manager, supervisor or business owner)?
  • Are there any relevant circumstances such as the environment or culture of the business (ie, single-sex environment or previous incidents)?

In a hostile work environment, the offending person does not need to direct their conduct at the person making a complaint or even anticipate the person may be impacted by the behaviour.

The offending person only needs to anticipate a person of one sex in general would find the environment hostile.

Universal paid family and domestic violence leave

While not part of the Respect@Work Bill, in the same sitting, the Government also introduced a further Bill to amend the Fair Work Act 2009 to replace the current entitlement in the National Employment Standards to five days of unpaid family and domestic violence leave in a 12-month period with an entitlement to ten days of paid leave for full-time, part-time and casual employees.  The Bill also proposes to extend the definition of family and domestic violence to include conduct of a current or former intimate partner of an employee, or a member of an employee’s household.

By providing for paid family and domestic violence leave as part of the National Employment Standards, the amendments will ensure that all employees are entitled to paid family and domestic violence leave irrespective of what industrial instrument they are covered under, or not.

While seemingly uncontroversial on its face, the extension of the paid entitlement to casual leave raises questions about how the entitlement will apply in respect of casual employees, particularly “genuine” casual employees who do not perform regular and systematic hours of work.  The Bill provides that a casual employee will be entitled to be paid the full rate of pay (ie including any shift penalties and loadings) that they would have been paid if they had worked the hours in the period for which the employee was rostered.

In practice, casual employees, particularly those in service industries will often be rostered at relatively short notice to fill a gap in service needs, and questions will accordingly arise around how far in advance a casual employee will be deemed to have been “rostered” to gain an entitlement to paid leave if they are ultimately unable to attend that shift due to family and domestic violence.

What does this mean?

While amendments may be made around the edges, it is very likely that both Bills will pass through both Houses of Parliament and be enacted into law.

The introduction of the positive duty, as its name suggests, will give rise to an obligation for organisations to take positive steps to review and consider the measures that are currently in place to eliminate sexual harassment, sex-based harassment and hostile work environments.  Having an appropriate workplace behaviour policy in place together with periodic training with minimal other control measures is very unlikely to satisfy the positive duty.

Rather, employers will be required to devise a prevention plan which adopts a suite of measures to meaningfully identify and eliminate these inappropriate behaviours.

As always, the team at Kingston Reid are well placed to support organisations in reviewing their existing practices and considering additional measures to cement the right for a safe and respectful workplace for all.


Katie Sweatman
+61 3 9958 9605
[email protected]
Shelley Williams
+61 7 3071 3110
[email protected]


Yoness Blackmore
Executive Counsel – Knowledge
+61 2 9169 8419
[email protected]
Beth Robinson
+61 8 6381 7064
[email protected]


9 September 2022
Kingston Reid’s Jobs Summit Fringe Festival – Wrap Up
September 9, 2022

The Kingston Reid Jobs Summit Fringe Festival provided a unique opportunity for clients and friends of Kingston Reid to gain insights into the issues being debated up the hill at the Commonwealth Government’s Jobs + Skills Summit. Our event brought together a range of opinion leaders with diverse views on the debate over workplace relations reform in Australia.

We were fortunate to have speakers and panellists from across the entire political spectrum from business, Government and unions, along with expert opinions on economics and from those who prosecute, defend and determine rights and responsibilities in the workplace relations system.

  1. It’s the Economy Stupid – Chris Richardson, Rich Insight

Our event was turbo charged from the beginning with a presentation of stark economic reality from renowned economist Chris Richardson. While the title of the presentation called up the famous mantra coined during Bill Clinton’s successful presidential campaign in 1992, perhaps it ought to have been called “It’s Productivity, Stupid”, as the key underlying message was that real wage growth will be doomed unless productivity can be increased.

Mr Richardson:

  • observed that the Jobs + Skills Summit had missed an opportunity by focussing on how to decide who gets a share of the pie rather than making the pie bigger;
  • foretells that the type of reform to workplace relations legislation being floated prior to the Jobs + Skills Summit created a risk that wages will chase prices, inflation will be too high, and real wages will not improve; and
  • busted a myth by showing that international migration to Australia creates jobs; it does not take jobs away.

While the relative lack of focus on productivity at the Jobs + Skills Summit was disappointing, the sensible decision to lift the cap on skilled migration showed that good economic policy can translate to good Government policy through the Jobs + Skills Summit process. He also told us that ideally wages should not rise above 3.5% per annum if we want to avoid increased inflation.

  1. The Union Perspective – Scott Connolly, Assistant National Secretary, ACTU

As a vocal contributor to the Jobs + Skills Summit and a strong advocate for reform, we were pleased to have the benefit of insights from Sally McManus’ Second Lieutenant, Scott Connolly.

The ACTU position is that productivity gains are being made but that they are not being shared with workers. Mr Connolly said:

  • the ACTU believes the labour market should be re-regulated;
  • workers are not benefiting from national income and productivity gains;
  • industrial action is necessary for multi-employer bargaining but with a “measured approach”; and
  • there are significant problems with skills and training infrastructure and that Jobs and Skills Australia should have a bigger role in the development of skills and training.

The Government has been careful not to describe its “immediate actions” from the Jobs + Skills Summit as re-regulation of the labour market, but the reform contemplated involves more, rather than less, regulation. The reaction of business to Government election commitments and statements at the Government Jobs + Skills Summit suggests there is wide support for a greater role for Jobs and Skills Australia.

  1. The Political Perspective – Adam Bandt MP, Australian Greens

In the first of our Political Perspectives, the Greens used the opportunity of Leader Adam Bandt’s speech to announce the party’s proposed industrial relations reforms.

Mr Bandt said that the Greens hold the balance of power and will be taking a “no compromises” approach to the reform proposals being put forward by the Government, threatening to withhold support for any legislation that comes out of the Jobs + Skills Summit unless the Government agrees to their demands.

This strong position flows from a party view that reforms need to take back the power from corporations because real wages are declining, and the power balance needs to be re-shifted.

Mr Bandt announced the Greens position that:

  • the Greens support an overhaul of the bargaining system, and that greater control needs to be given to workers by reviewing hours of work and insecure employment provisions in the Fair Work Act;
  • low paid wages need to be lifted to 60% of the full-time median wage;
  • the Government needs to reduce the cost of essentials (including free child-care) in order to support workforce participation;
  • there needs to be an increase in accessibility to union membership;
  • gig and casual workers should receive sick and holiday pay in addition to the current casual loading; and
  • legislation should be amended to include a presumption that all jobs are permanent unless there are sound demonstrable reasons otherwise.

Mr Bandt raised concerns that the Jobs + Skills Summit is “Half a Hawke” in that the Government has blocked any discussion on tax.

While the Greens position could be seen as posturing aimed at blunting proposed reforms that are contrary to its policy position, it’s no compromise position on issues such as climate policy suggest that an “all or nothing” approach is a definite possibility. Keen observers will note the Greens are actually one vote short of holding the balance of power in the Senate, so a decision by the Greens not to support legislation plays the crossbenchers (and even the Coalition) into the game.

  1. The Union Perspective – Daniel Walton, National Secretary, AWU

While reported comments before the Jobs + Skills Summit about union membership for newly arrived migrants might have suggested we would be hearing some controversial proposals from Daniel Walton, the AWU position is arguably much closer to the business position than that of the ACTU, and certainly that of the Greens.

By focussing on a broader agenda than industrial regulation, the AWU appears to be reaching for the centre ground and consensus with business. While careful to caution there is no “silver bullet”, Mr Walton told us he views the three big issues for the Summit to address are:

  • energy (in the context of the transition from fossil fuels to renewables);
  • industrial relations reform; and
  • skilled migration.

Other policy areas that Mr Walton covered included:

  • addressing the higher cost of living, inflation and productivity and the challenge of increasing real wage growth;
  • a restoration of balance to appointments to the Fair Work Commission;
  • making enterprise bargaining simpler;
  • fixing a “flaw” in current modern award and enterprise agreement consultation obligations, which only trigger once a definite decision to introduce major change has been made; and
  • investment in training.

Many of these matters were found in the statement of “immediate actions” published by the Government after the close of the Jobs + Skills Summit on Friday which suggests that the AWU is close to policy makers.

One area of potential difference is in looking to migration to address skills shortages. The AWU points to the fact of apprenticeship commencement numbers increasing, but apprenticeship completion numbers are diminishing. Flowing from this, Mr Walton said that looking around the world for skills is “short sighted” and that as a nation “we need to restore our own skills”.

Mr Walton observed that employers should see this period as an opportunity for collaboration and consultation with their employees and unions.

  1. Future of Work Panel

Jordan O’Reilly, Co-founder & CEO, Hireup

Luke Webber, Managing Director, Labourpower

Michael Kaine, National Secretary, TWU

Dr Alex Veen, Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney Business School

This panel produced a fascinating discussion on areas of workplace relations regulation and reform in the area of labour hire, independent contractors and the gig economy which are changing at an extremely rapid pace. Our panellists told us that:

  • the definition of “insecure work” is a live question and means different things to different stakeholders;
  • the gig economy creates a different working environment where platforms take a step back and much more control is placed in the hands of consumers and workers about how work is performed;
  • the gig economy is here to stay, and there needs to be appropriate regulation of non-standard work performed within this space;
  • while the majority of gig work is conducted under independent contractor arrangements, there is a space for effective employment frameworks if modern awards are less rigid;
  • there are emerging trends where workers want to choose how, and when, they work and do not want to be bound to one employer on a full time basis;
  • technology and artificial intelligence will continue to change the shape of work, both in terms of the labour required and how that labour is engaged; and
  • since the inclusion of “casual conversion” in legislation, and a wide range of industrial instruments, anecdotal evidence suggests that a tiny proportion of employees (sometimes as low as 2%) are choosing to convert from casual to permanent.

Michael Kaine from the TWU noted that the transport economy attracts some of the most vulnerable workers, but equally has represented independent owner-drivers since the union’s inception, illustrating that the TWU does not have any inherent objection to non-standard work.  That does not mean that we necessarily need to shoe-horn workers into employment relationships or redefine the employment relationship. If we can find a system that permits flexibility with appropriate protections, then we should do it. That system must provide appropriate and fair remuneration (mechanisms for workers to recover costs and get a return on their investment / risk) and other support networks (workers compensation, superannuation, safety requirements, etc). One option is an “owner-driver” type system like in NSW.

Jordan O’Reilly from Hireup, a digital platform connecting people living with a disability with support workers, was concerned that the gig economy could be viewed as a race to the bottom in a two-speed system (regulated employment relationships vs non-regulated independent contractor relationships). Flexibility is key, but the flexibility you need differs from sector to sector so there needs to be sector-specific approaches. We have found employment relationships work well in the disability care sector. However, it is important there is an equal playing field, which requires certainty from Government.

Dr Alex Veen from the University of Sydney Business School shared the findings of his research which found that it is not as simple as just passing on costs to consumers.  Research indicates that platforms are generally dominated by cost-sensitive consumers. Whilst the consumers generally do not understand the terms and conditions that apply to gig workers and when they’re informed about them, they think that they’re unfair, they’re also only prepared to pay an additional $0.85 – $1.25 for the services. It is a delicate balance to find a solution to, and we might benefit from looking at more holistic approaches in other jurisdictions.

Luke Webber from Labourpower observed that the recruitment industry is not seeing a race to the bottom. Businesses cannot attract workers on modern award rates and are having to pay workers more. Flexibility appears to be just as important as stability. Every year casual employees are offered the opportunity to convert to permanent employment, but the majority do not take up the offer, in fact, a number of workers who have converted to permanent employment have subsequently requested to convert back to casual employment.

  1. The Political Perspective – Senator Tony Sheldon, ALP

The Jobs + Skills Summit, and the whitepaper that is proposed to flow from it, was a core part of the ALP’s policy platform entering into the Federal election which saw the party take Government. In gaining an understanding of what would be discussed up on the hill immediately following the Festival, we heard from Senator Tony Sheldon.

Senator Sheldon was able to give some insights into the drivers for Government policy and how discussions at the Summit were likely to unfold. Senator Sheldon told us that the big issues for the Government are:

  • single enterprise bargaining is outdated, and greater access multi-enterprise bargaining is needed;
  • low paid and highly feminised industries should be the focus of multi-enterprise bargaining;
  • the issues are low real wage growth and the need to “plug” loopholes in insecure work such gig, casual and labour hire work; and
  • there is a need to abolish the ABCC as it negatively impacts on productivity.

Senator Sheldon acknowledged that “We are not going to agree on every single thing but that is ok. We are cementing ideas for the future.”  This reference to laying the ground for future reform suggests that the ALP is playing a long game and sees the Jobs + Skills Summit as a starting point for a reform process rather than an event where consensus will immediately be achieved. This was reflected in the “immediate actions” and “further discussions” approach taken by the Government in the Jobs + Skills Summit Outcomes document published after the Summit.

  1. Respect@Work – Plaintiff Perspectives – Josh Bornstein, Maurice Blackburn

True to the old adage, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, Josh Bornstein, Head of Employment and Industrial Relations of applicant and union law firm, Maurice Blackburn, provided Fringe Summit attendees with a rare insight into the thinking of a lawyer whose name would otherwise ordinarily be at the bottom of letters of demand.

Mr Bornstein gave us an overview of his experience in acting for plaintiffs in the rapidly changing area of workplace discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment.

  • There are opportunities to understand what the introduction of a positive duty to take all reasonable steps to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace will be at the Federal level from the Victorian experience. Noting that Victoria’s anti-discrimination legislation has incorporated a positive duty since 2010. This positive duty is likely to incorporate an expectation that employers have prevention plans in place.
  • Discussions about the outlawing of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) need to carefully balance the rights and needs of victims of sexual harassment, taking into account that many of Mr Bornstein’s clients seek the privacy and confidentiality that an NDA offers. NDAs should be subject to time limits or scope for the victim to otherwise not be constrained from discussing their experiences when they are ready to do so.
  • Mr Bornstein also highlighted that there will be more arrows in the quiver for the prosecution of sexual harassment and related discrimination claims, with the Australian Human Rights Commission to gain powers to make representatives claims, lifting the need for individuals to prosecute their own claims in all cases.
  1. Respect@Work Panel

Kate Eastman AM SC

Lindall West, Managing Director, Ombpoint

Kristen Hilton, Former Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commissioner

This panel focussed on the potential impact of incoming legislative measures and the practical steps that businesses can take to make workplaces better and minimise harm.

  • Employers need to recognise the power that comes with the positive duty as an important first step in taking leadership to consider all reasonable steps to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace
  • A “prevention plan” is an important element of satisfying the positive duty. It is not a single policy document. Rather it requires employers to review their businesses and culture.
  • The new concept of sex-based harassment and gender stereotyping goes beyond the concept of sexual harassment and is intended to capture micro-wrongs and long-standing gender-based stereotyping.
  • NDAs can maintain confidentiality and privacy if that is what the impacted person chooses. Blanket bans are not appropriate and remove bargaining power held by women in seeking a settlement of their claims.
  • Speak-up culture is part of protecting victims. Employees raising issues, and employers responding effectively at an early stage, are important elements of this.
  • Services like Ombpoint provide a valuable first line of protection by triaging issues when they first arise, potentially resolving them before unnecessary escalation but also allowing space for important issues to be escalated.
  • Diversity in the workplace is going to be an economic lever and opportunity.

A core message out of the panel was the need to ensure your businesses are ready for the legislative changes including the introduction of a positive duty. Having the engagement of your Boards, managers and employees will be key.

  1. The Political Perspective – Jacquie Lambie, The Jacquie Lambie Network

While not an attendee at the Government’s Jobs + Skills Summit, Senator Lambie spoke to our event and made it clear that any reform arising out of the Jobs + Skills Summit will require her support, or the support of another of her crossbench colleagues. Senator Lambie raised concerns that those making political donations would have the loudest voices when considering the legislative reforms to flow from the Summit, reinforcing her general concerns that reform around the regulation of political donations is sorely needed.

Senator Lambie pointed out:

  • there was a risk that the Government summit would make a lot of noise but not actually solve the real problem of cost of living that was impacting all of the people she represents;
  • the unions do not necessarily speak for all working people, and decisions made out of the Summit are made by people in places like Melbourne for people on their doorstep, not for the people in the communities she represents;
  • we need fewer “roundtables” because they “go round and round and nothing gets done”, we need greater consensus and action on consensus. The Government needs to listen more to community and less to lobbyists and those who pay to be heard;
  • political donations should be prevented and replaced with a system of solely public funding;
  • in north-western Tasmania, the heart has been ripped out of TAFEs which were previously a hub of the community, and the impact on the skills held by members of the community had been devastating.
  1. The Political Perspective – Senator Michaelia Cash, Coalition

When invitations for the Government’s Jobs + Skills Summit started arriving, Opposition leader Peter Dutton was quick to send back the Coalitions “will not be attending” RSVP card.

This did not mean that we were left without the views of the Coalition on industrial relations reform. Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Michaelia Cash, set out the Coalition’s concerns with the agenda being taken by the Government to the Jobs + Skills Summit.

Senator Cash told the Fringe Summit that genuine reform that makes it easier for businesses to find workers would be embraced, and pointed to the reforms that the Coalition had achieved when in Government, including:

  • banning corrupting benefits for unions and establishing the Registered Organisations Commission to restore integrity for members who pay their union dues in good faith;
  • protecting vulnerable workers;
  • re-establishing the Australian Building and Construction Commission;
  • protecting the role of thousands of volunteer fire fighters in Victoria; and
  • abolishing the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal with the support of small business owners; and
  • passing legislation to clarify the status of casual workers and prevent “double dipping” on entitlements.

Senator Cash highlighted the Coalition’s policy to increase access to work for pensioners (without affecting their pension payments). This became a recommendation that was adopted by the Government at the end of the Jobs + Skills Summit. She also:

  • reaffirmed the coalition’s support of the ABCC and criticism of the Government’s action in defunding the body and stripping the provisions of the Building Code;
  • noted the economic impact of current strike action at Sydney Trains and ports as an indicator of the kind of disruption that would be caused by the industrial relations changes being contemplated by the Government Summit, particularly sector bargaining;
  • reaffirmed the Coalition’s commitment to 6-year maximum nominal terms for greenfields enterprise agreements on major projects; and
  • pointed out that changing the test for casual employment, legislating “same job, same pay” and making labour hire unworkable would have a damaging effect on business, particularly small business.
  1. Fringe Festival Full Bench

Former Deputy President Greg Smith AM

Former Deputy President Geoff Bull

Former Commissioner Danny Cloghan

The proceedings in the first instance reflected a diversity of views on what were the key priorities for the Summit to achieve. A Full Bench of Former Members of the Fair Work Commission was accordingly convened, and points of appeal put to Former Deputy President Greg Smith AM, Former Deputy President Geoff Bull, and Former Commissioner Danny Cloghan for their consideration and determination.

  • In answer to the appeal question of what “productivity” means to the tribunal, Former DP Greg Smith AM observed that the Australian Industrial Relations Commission took an active role in ensuring productivity returns in the settlement of industrial disputes and questioned whether it was appropriate for productivity to be removed as a factor to which the Commission should give active consideration in its decision making outside of the annual minimum wage decision.
  • In answer to the appeal question of whether bargaining is broken, there were split views. Some expressed that it can work well but depends on the attitude of the parties. All considered the current tests applied for approval of agreements required reform and that the Commission should have a greater role in assisting parties to resolve deadlocks.
  • In answer to whether the Commission should be made more accessible by conducting hearings in shopping centres, the Full Bench unanimously dismissed the appeal. We were also relieved that an appeal to include lawyers in Fair Work Commission proceedings was also unanimously upheld.
  1. Where to now?

The Government closed the Jobs + Skills Summit on Friday in Canberra with a statement that it will take “immediate” action to update the Fair Work Act. This is in addition to a list of what it has described as “complementary existing commitments” that it promised to deliver at the election and, in many cases, are already in bills that are before parliament.

It is important to remember that this immediate action starts with business, union and Government consultation and must be passed by the parliament, including an upper house where the Government needs the support of the Coalition or a combination Greens and a crossbencher to get legislation through. We heard from representatives of these three groups, and it suggests that support is anything but guaranteed.

For those who attended the Kingston Reid Jobs Summit Fringe Festival we hope that you found it as informative and thought provoking as we did. For those who did not we hope that we have captured some of the highlights here and would of course be pleased to discuss anything that has piqued your interest further with you.


Alice DeBoos
Managing Partner
+61 2 9169 8444
[email protected]
Duncan Fletcher
+61 8 6381 7050
[email protected]
Steven Amendola
+61 3 9958 9606
[email protected]
Shelley Williams
+61 7 3071 3110
[email protected]
Christa Lenard
+61 2 9169 8404
[email protected]
Michael Stutley
+61 8 6381 7060
[email protected]
Katie Sweatman
+61 3 9958 9605
[email protected]
Liam Fraser
+61 7 3071 3113
[email protected]
Lucy Shanahan
+61 2 9169 8405
[email protected]
Beth Robinson
+61 8 6381 7064
[email protected]
Brendan Milne
+61 3 9958 9611
[email protected]
Michael Mead
+61 2 9169 8428
[email protected]