Kingston Reid’s ‘A word to the WISE’ podcasts cover a range of Workplace Relations,
Employment and Workplace Health & Safety issues for professionals working in this area.

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15 April 2021
Respect@Work Report – Employer Obligations
April 15, 2021

Miriam Power and Helen Beech discuss the expanded employer obligations for preventing and responding to sexual harassment in the workplace.

Respect@Work Report – Employer Obligations
8 December 2020
Family and domestic violence: how to manage workplace obligations
December 8, 2020

Christa Lenard and Erica Elliott are joined by Regan Mitchell of Weave Youth & Community Services to discuss employers’ legal obligations in respect of family and domestic violence and what can be done to support their employees.

Family and domestic violence: how to manage workplace obligations
19 November 2020
Out with the old and in with the (re)new(ed)
November 19, 2020

New safety laws have just been enacted in Western Australia. Now the countdown begins until commencement. Miriam Power and Oliver Marshall discuss some of the key features of the laws including wider application, industrial manslaughter, increased penalties and insurance prohibitions.

Out with the old and in with the (re)new(ed)
13 November 2020
Enterprise Bargaining
November 13, 2020

Alice DeBoos and Duncan Fletcher discuss whether enterprise bargaining is dead, or just resting its eyes!

Enterprise Bargaining
25 September 2020
The Dismissal
September 25, 2020

Michael Stutley and Miriam Power discuss the procedural steps for terminating employment where an employee can no longer perform the inherent requirement of his or her role due to mental illness.

Management and Mental Health
Management and Mental Health
The Dismissal